
Welcome to the Strategic Planning Process

23 June 2023

Thank you for visiting our Strategic Plan Project page, we are excited to have you here!

A strategic plan is an important document for municipalities; it's a roadmap, a guiding document that outlines how we are going to achieve our vision for the community. The vision developed by our Council, our staff and our community!

We want to hear from you, your opinion and your vision matter. So please take the time to participate and engage with us.

  • Do you have questions about the process or things you want us to consider? Use our Question Tool!
  • Do you have ideas about what you want the future of Huron-Kinloss to look like? Use our Ideas Tool!
  • Don't want to engage online? No problem, attend one of our community workshops!
  • We will also have a community survey available from August 18th to September 30th, online and in paper format.
  • Or you can talk to staff at one of the many community events we will be attending this year!

Check this page often as new dates and opportunities will be added as dates, times and locations are confirmed.