
Draft Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles

10 November 2023

At the community workshop on November 21st, the Deloitte team will be presenting:

  • Key findings to date
  • Draft vision, mission, and guiding principles
  • Next steps

The presentation being shared at the workshop is available to review prior to the meeting.

Community Workshop #4

The workshop is being held November 21st, 2023 on Zoom from 6:30-8PM, registration is required to receive the zoom link.

Please register to attend either virtually or in-person on Event Brite.

If you are unable to attend the meeting virtually, we will be broadcasting the meeting in Council Chambers and a staff member will be available to input your questions and comments into the Zoom chat. Doors will open at 6:15PM, please arrive prior to the 6:30PM meeting start time to avoid disruptions for the other attendees.