
Community Survey

23 August 2023

The 2023-2033 Strategic Plan: Blueprint for our Future Community survey is now available! The survey can be found in the survey tool on this project page, at the Municipal Office in Ripley or you can request a copy by mail. Please contact Michelle at 519-395-3735 to request a copy.

The survey has 7 open ended questions and 3 demographic questions and can take 10-45 minutes to complete (based on the level of detail you provide). You can review the questions below or you can print off a copy of the questions from the documents section of this project page.

The deadline to complete the survey is September 30th at 11:59PM.

Survey Questions:

  1. What do you love about Huron-Kinloss?
  2. What would make your quality of life better in Huron-Kinloss? What opportunities exist to improve your quality of life?
  3. What can be done to achieve these opportunities?
  4. What might stand in the way of Huron-Kinloss achieving these opportunities?
  5. Looking out to 2033, what three words would you want used to describe Huron-Kinloss?
  6. If you were writing the strategy and action plan, what would your number 1 priority be?
  7. Is there anything else we should consider when creating the 2023-2033 Huron-Kinloss Strategic Plan: Blueprint for our Future?
  8. Tell us a bit more about you
    1. My primary residence is in Huron-Kinloss
    2. My secondary residence is in Huron-Kinloss
    3. I don't live in Huron-Kinloss
    4. Other. Please Specify:
  9. What is your age?
    1. Under 18
    2. 19-29
    3. 30-39
    4. 40-49
    5. 50-59
    6. 60-69
    7. 70+
  10. What community do you most identify with?
    1. Lakeshore area (north of concession 10)
    2. Lakeshore area (between concession 4 and 10)
    3. Point Clark
    4. Lucknow
    5. Ripley
    6. Rural Area